
happiness and gratitude

I had another post planned for today. But, then I read something that made me stop doing the million "to do" items on my list for a moment. It made me tear up, and I was instantly inspired, touched and motivated. And, that is when it happened. I felt an enormous amount of happiness and gratitude. For life.

Happiness and Gratitude

It is so easy to get caught up in life's distresses. To lose sight of who you are, what you are doing, your dreams and goals and just loving the life you are given. I am and have been guilty of this. I forget that life is sweet. And short. Yes, there are times of sadness, pain, anger and frustration. But, maybe that happens because you are given opportunities to strengthen the person you are and become an even better version of yourself. After all, what would life be like if everything were perfect? I will give you one guess; it rhymes with snoring. Boring. I truly feel like the past few weeks have tested every ounce of my strength. Then today happened, and I realized it is the simple things in life that make me feel content and blessed. I am healthy, I have the love of someone who is my whole world, I have family and friends who are healthy, whom I love and would lay my own life down for and I am doing something I love with my best friend by my side. I cannot ask for more. But, more than anything, today made me realize that although sadness, pain, anger and frustration will come and go as it pleases, I should never lose sight of those two very beautiful words: happiness and gratitude.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


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