You were a sweet, little peanut when I saw you in the hospital. I remember just staring at you and thinking how peaceful you looked. I definitely remember how happy your mum and dad were that you were delivered safe and healthy. And, then I remember holding you a few weeks later at home and thinking, you still are a little peanut, and I am so in love with your cute fingers, feet and sleepy eyes. Months went by, and you started growing. But, you still were a little peanut to me. When I saw you last Sunday, I had to stop and look twice at you. Because you had grown so much more. Your smile quite possibly pulled me out of any kind of distress I felt. And, when Bryan danced behind me, and I was looking through my camera's eye piece and heard your sweet laugh, I just about melted. Right then and there. You would spit up, you had a bit of a runny nose and yet you were ALL smiles. You are quite possibly the happiest baby I know. And, yes, to me, you will always remain that sweet, little peanut I saw the day after you were born!
RJ and Laura, I think the sneak peaks captured every bit of your family. It resembles you three perfectly! And, I am so happy I got the chance to capture them. Love you guys!!! Give Robbie a big kiss and hug for me!
Yeah, I think it is safe to say you three are one GOOD looking family!

I love Robbie's face.

This is Robbie 100% of the time. Smiling and laughing. Spit up, runny nose and all. Doesn't matter!

My favorite. Just love the angle!

A special request by Laura!

Love both of their expressions!

Babies with blue eyes are so beautiful...well handsome in Robbie's case!

Another favorite!

If only you knew what Bryan was doing to get Robbie to smile that big. He happened to give RJ and Laura quite the entertainment as well. What would I do without him? Probably be lost.

Have a fabulous Wednesday!!!
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