
santa's little elves

To say these L's otherwise formally known as the Lindseys' LOOOOVVVVEEEE Christmas is a complete understatement. I think if Santa himself called and asked Bryan and I to join him and the elves at the North Pole, we would be all in, and it would take us all but one second to say yes. Without thinking twice. Because in all honesty, who would turn down snow, sparkles, sugar cookies and cocoa? And being Santa's elves!

So, it comes as no surprise that we devoted an entire night of doing nothing but decorating our home for Christmas. Complete with a classic Christmas movie (none other than the BEST movie ever-National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation), Christmas pajamas, hot cocoa, baking and more than enough Christmas decorations. Decorations like a 7.5 FEET tall tree. If you know Bryan, he goes for the best of the best especially on Christmas decorations. He actually told me he wanted a bigger tree but could not find one. (Insert major sigh of relief.) He was determined to make it fit in our living room, and to my surprise, he did! This guy amazes me. Needless to say, our first Christmas of decorating was filled with surprises, lots and lots of ornaments, a lot of laughing and yummy goodness. And, from direct orders of Buddy the Elf...snuggling. We definitely belong in the North Pole. For sure.

Enjoy some snapshots.

Love me some details...

Decorating 01

B and I rock-paper-scissored on who was going to be in charge of putting the star on our tree...I think it is obvious who won. Internet, between you and me, I let him win. I think it meant more to him than me.

Decorating 02

Because it wouldn't be right if we didn't document a photograph of our first Christmas together decorating. Our first MARRIED Christmas together decorating that is. Please don't pay attention to the fact that my hair looks like a hot mess. It was midnight when we were done decorating.

Decorating 03


1 comment:

Susie said...

What a huge tree; I love things that sparkle!

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