
senior: krista

I think of her as family. Because in some long twisted story kind of a way, she is family. It just so happens that her big sister and brother-in-law, Kelsey and Jared, happen to be Bryan and I's close friends and Jared is Bryan's cousin. Between the five of us laughing, joking and making complete fools of ourselves in public, I ended up getting some stellar shots of Krista!

How do I say this about Krista? She is unbelievable beautiful. And incredibly talented. Especially in the althetics area. Figures why she would want to go into a field that she rocks in for college. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her! I can totally picture her being a sports trainer for the Cardinals and working with Pujols. Just saying, Krista.

Krista, you are an amazing gal, and I am so glad to call you family! Maybe not by those amazing Drewel genes Kelse and you have, but b/c Bryan and I kind of adore you. A lot. Just a little warning: I had a hard time picking my favorites, and they were not MY senior pictures. So...good luck! I hope you love some of my favorites.

Beautiful Krista...

Krista 01

Krista 02

Krista 03

Call me color crazy, but I do love this picture for that reason.

Krista 04

If I could I would have shot the entire session on this wall. I am in love. And this picture below, it is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE from her session.

Krista 05

Krista 06

Krista 07

I love that my senior gals can bring the "fierce" look. Krista could do it on cue. It amazed me. Love the angle of this picture!

Krista 08

She belongs in a catalog. Seriously. Another favorite.

Krista 09

Krista 10

Happy Wednesday!!!


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