
wedding: elliot+brandy

I tried for the life of me to wipe the silly smile off my face. But, I just could not. In reality, why would I? Because when you look at them, you just want to smile. And not just any kind of a smile, but the kind that makes your cheek muscles take a run for their money. Let me add that my cheek muscles, well, they hurt. And there is only two people to blame for that: Elliot and Brandy.

Donna gave me the distinct honor of being her second shooter for their October wedding, and I could not have found a better photographer to learn from and a better couple to help document. Because they took love and faith to a new level. A level that you see in movies. As in movie love. And, I was there to witness it all. As if it was not enough that Brandy made her mum the matron-of-honor or that the entire wedding party and parents of both sides prayed together after the ceremony, but these two had love seeping out of every pore of every person there to witness their marriage. And, that ladies and gentlemen is something that is so rare yet so beautiful. And awesome!

Thank you, Donna, for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

These are way overdue in getting posted, but better late than never, right?! So without further ado, Elliot and Brandy...

I was obsessed with their wedding colors. Obsessed.

EB Wedding 01

That is one gorgeous looking bride and one handsome looking groom.

EB Wedding 02

A definite favorite!

EB Wedding 03

EB Wedding 04

Another favorite!

EB Wedding 05

EB Wedding 06

Donna in action...

EB Wedding 07

EB Wedding 08

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