
family: mike+kim+claire

She's going to be a model. Seriously. That smile. Those eyes. And that adorable personality. I kept repeating that over and over again to Kim and Mike, Claire's sweet mama and dad. I have met plenty of three year olds in my day, and for the most part, they all despise my camera. Which then is followed by a lot of dancing, silly songs and I can't believe I am saying this...bribes. However, Claire was quite the surprise! She was all smiles with those big beautiful eyes and that adorable personality of hers!

And because she was the sweetest three year old I have EVER met, she made my job so incredibly easy hence some of my favorite little lady shots!

To start with, the sweet Waggoner clan.

Waggoner 01

Isn't she a doll?!

Waggoner 02

Those colors and her cuteness make this picture what it is!

Waggoner 03

The one on the right is beautiful! Just plain beautiful!

Waggoner 04

Waggoner 05

Oh my cuteness!!!

Waggoner 06

This was all Claire's doing...

Waggoner 07

I kind of love this picture. A lot.

Waggoner 08

Claire, you are gorgeous!

Waggoner 09

Waggoner 10

Love love love love love...

Waggoner 11

This picture makes me so happy!

Waggoner 12


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