
family: casey+rachel+mick

He is going through a...phase, and I thought I should warn you ahead of time, Rachel emailed me. I smiled and emailed her back asking her not to worry. Saturday morning rolled around, and Bryan and I packed up our camera gear, our A game faces and our best tricks to make one of our favorite little guys have some fun. I am not sure if it was the West Bottoms location, the beautiful Saturday sun or the fact that I kept saying the word adventure like it was the best thing ever, but Mick stunned us all. With his smiles, his laughter and his ever so loving personality.

And, if I am going to be honest, I will state it on the world wide Internet that this session just went into the top notch for my favorite family sessions. Great friends, one darling little boy and the easiest family session I have ever shot hands down!

Thank you Casey, Rachel and Mick for being your beautiful selves on that fine Saturday morning! And, Casey, I think I have to agree with you that the photography stars lined up in our favor to give us one amazing session.

Without further ado, the McGraw family...

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The baseball in Mick's hand was hit by a Cardinal's baseball player when they played at Kauffman Stadium. And, I guess I should mention what a HUGE Cardinal's fan Rachel is! Did I mention how much I LOVE this family?!

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Gosh, I love this kid!

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What a gorgeous family!!! Mick is just a perfect mix of Casey and Rachel!

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The light in this little hidden masterpiece was amazing!

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Casey was showing Mick how to sit on the pile of rocks, and Mick was doing such a cute job of being just like his dad! I'm not quite sure why I love this picture, but I do. And, check out their Chucks. Love love love...

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Mick, you are going to turn some girls into puddles of love when you get older. I can see it now...

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Either he thinks Bryan and I are really fun/funny or he was in one happy mood b/c this kid was ALL smiles!

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Another favorite!

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The following are some of my favorites as well, and I should make clear that they were NOT posed. This is Mick being Mick! And, I love this little munchkin for his fun personality!

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The favorites keep adding up. Another one that makes me smile really big.

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Fun story. Rachel bought Mick's favorite thing in the world: bubbles. However, the bubble manufacturing company decided to forget to put a stick in the bubble bottle (who does that?!). To divert Mick's attention quickly, Casey and Rachel suggested jumping in puddles of mud. Whatttt?! Imagine a two year old who hears this and probably thinks his parents have gone mad until he sees his mum jumping in the puddle. So, a perfect little moment was caught on camera of a two year old who in a matter of seconds had a lot of fun! And, major props to Casey and Rachel who didn't even blink twice when they suggested this!

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What do you get when you mix KC urban and a beautiful family? My favorite family photo.

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Rachel said...

OMG Shefy I LOVE them!!! You are unbelievable at what you do! I am in awe of you/your abilities to capture the best pictures. You made! Casey and I both cry! We can't wait to see the rest of them. I hope your week of testing went well! I was thinking of you. Rachel

Heidi said...

AMAZING! WONDERFUL! BEAUTIFUL! FUN! I could go on and on! What a wonderful gift you have given Rachel, Casey and Mickey. I also think this family is pretty special and you have done such a great job capturing their spirit. You are really good at what you do....Keep it up girl (and your husband too)
Heidi Garcia Friend and Co-worker of Rachel

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