Right before Fall kicks in is when I like to re-evaluate. I have no idea why I do it at this time of the year. I mean, it is not like I have a million other things going on during this season. But, something about the leaves changing, sweaters and boots coming back into the picture, cups of orange-spiced tea and warm chili and enjoying fun festivities and traditions take over me. I start to think about how I want to grow. Personally and professionally. Because, I by no means have life figured out quite yet. I'm still learning through this journey that God has put me on, and I am so so so thankful. And, since this here blog serves to be my digital scrapbook and journal of not only my photography but my journey in life, I could not think of a better place to write down some goals I have for the rest of 2011.
* spend at least an hour EVERY evening with Bryan without my Macbook, iPhone or my work (I am ashamed to admit this. He truly is one in a million for being so patient, supportive and letting me live out my dreams.)
* learn to balance life better (more on this soon)
* attend one hot yoga class a week (easier than it sounds but MUCH needed!)
* spend 20 minutes reading words from my favorite interior designer and philospher, Alexandra Stoddard, each night before going to bed
* have all arangements made with our travel agent for our 2 year anniversary trip
* visit the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum and the World War II Museum in KC
* do one thoughtful thing a week for B
* go on a picnic in the fall when the leaves have changed color
* make more time for good friends!
* be more giving of my time to others
* show mum and dad the sights of the "city of fountains"
* be more positive!
* Skype Shalin once a week
* learn to not let fear and nerves get the best of me and trust that everything happens for a reason
* network with more photographers and creative professionals in Kansas City and across the country
* brainstorm and begin my "rebranding" project
* get a new website and blog
* purchase the 50 mm f/1.2
* purchase a Kelly Moore bag before our traveling adventures
* go beyond my comfort zone with location choices (anyone up for a vintage car engagement session or in a field?!)
* live out the "work hard, play hard" motto better!
* reach out and help other aspiring photographers to grow and follow their hearts
* blog more! (it's a working progress)
* attend more photography events/workshops to further myself as a creative individual
* start telling stories through my photographs
Wow, I feel a lot less lighter after writing all of those lovely goals! I'll leave all of you with a little something that to reminds me that although my head might be spinning, I need to enjoy the "now" moments. This weekend fills me with nothing but excitement because we get to see my little brother. We have missed him SO much! And, we are in MUCH need of family time, my mum's homestyle meals and soaking in those "now" moments. Happy Weekending, friends!
Keep Calm I Pretty Packaging I Live I Tom Toms
1 comment:
Haha, awesome lists and lovely photos... Not going to lie, though, I'm still think ing about the 50mm 1.2. Mmmm. <3
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