I kind of love them. A lot. As in they make my insides smile. They greet me with warm smiles and a lot of laughs. And, they truly live out the meaning to living in the moment. It has been a year since
they were in front of my camera, and somehow a lot has changed. Miss Chloe is a big sister and quite the independent, stylish little girl. And, she has a voice that makes my insides smile. And, within a year, a new little addition graced this family. The sweetest little face with a smile as big as the sky. Her name...Miss Madeline. At six months old, she talks. A lot of baby talk. And, she is mobile. As in one butt cheek in the air and the other planted on the ground doing the cute baby crawl that again...makes my insides smile. But, then there are the two that stay the same. The two that I never want to change. Paul and Jill. They share a love for one another and for their two beautiful little people that you guessed it...makes my insides smile.
Embrace yourself for a whole lot of cuteness...

How ADORABLE is this family? Seriously!

I love this! Favorite #1.

I can't decide what is making my heart melt more. The ruffles, the hat OR that sweet little face. I choose the sweet face.

Chloe LOVES LOVES LOVES her little sister. Favorite #2.

Miss Chloe is a stunning girl. Stunning!

A darling photo of mama with her gorgeous girls!

Favorite #3.

Favorite #4.

Miss Madeline was obsessed with the grass. She thought it was the coolest thing she had ever seen. I see the outdoors being a big part of her future.

Tell me that smile doesn't make you melt!

I am over the moon for the ribbons and ruffles. Over. the. moon.

I love that Paul makes these two laugh in an instant!

Miss Chloe. Free. Happy. Loving her life. And chasing bubbles.

1 comment:
Love!! I want some of those hats for myself! :)
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