A year has passed from that time in our newlywed life. I look back and think how we have grown. Separately and together. Personally and professionally. When 2011 rolled around, I remember whispering to Bryan at midnight on New Year's Eve, this is our year. This one is going to be a good one. I even remember his smile. And, here is the real kicker. We had no plans for this year. None. Not even one. And, this my friends, goes down in the books as a big moment. Because I am a planner. Always have been. But, this year, I decided to change. I decided to pray. I decided to lean on God for once. Because I knew, in the end, whatever I was set out to be doing, He would help me get there.
So, here is a personal thank you to the big man upstairs. I am so happy He proved me wrong with my "two kids, living in a nice home and being an engineer by 26" dream a few years back. Because this dream I am living, well this dream is so. much. better. And, I could not be more grateful.
A sweet little reminder in life.
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