Oh, twenty-six. It was such a challenging and amazing year for me. It gave me some of life's important lessons. Like to live. And love. A lot. Stop making plans. Hold the people I love close to my heart and tell them I love them. Everday. To get down on my knees and pray when things get rocky. Follow my heart and listen to it. Not just say I will do it, but make things happen! To stop worrying about life five, ten and twenty years from now and live in the present moment. Kick jealously out the curb and know that I am walking down my own path in which God has created for me and only me. To fall deeper in love with my faith and lean on it when troubling times look us in the eyes. Say no more often and know that I am not perfect and cannot make every single person I know happy. Give 200% in what I do with my whole heart. Learn to accept my flaws and embrace my strengths. Love Bryan more than the day before because when it comes down to it, he is my world. Let go and forgive the past. However, do not forget the past because it helped me become who I am today. My twenty-seven year old, happy self.
And as I ease into my late twenties and say good-bye to my mid-twenties, I find myself full of anxiousness, excitement and happiness. I do not know what twenty-seven has in store for me, but I am ready. Because, today, my heart is full. All that I ask is that twenty-seven does not bring me grey hair and wrinkles. Except the smile kind of wrinkles.
Cheers and Happy Friday, Ya'll!!!
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