
mini photo sessions 2012

There is no greater feeling than knowing what you love to do for a passion and fun can make a difference in someone else's life. I never knew three years ago when I met Stephanie that we would leave imprints in one another's lives. I would personally like to thank Harry Potter for bringing us together in a way. But, more importantly, it was a friendship that grew quite quickly and before I knew it, I decided over a sweet lunch we shared that I wanted to help make a dream come true. A dream that is so complex, challenging at times, heart-warming, eye-opening and amazing. A dream that is going to change two lives for the better. A dream that is worth fighting and working hard for because in the end, they get to hold a a beautiful baby in their arm. They get to teach a beautiful baby to love, to have faith, to hope and to never stop shooting for the stars. Awhile back, I wrote about mini photo sessions to help raise money for my wonderful friends. To say last Saturday was a success is an understatement. Every one of my families I photographed filled my heart with an extra dose of gratitude to be given the chance to do something I love while helping a very deserving couple. That is the day I made sure to count my blessings. Twice.

On to the sneak peaks of all my wonderful families that I was VERY blessed to photograph...

I am in love with BOTH of the photos below! They are so fun and in the moment of just being them.

Mini Sessions 01

Mini Sessions 02

These two were too cute for words!

Mini Sessions 03

Mini Sessions 04

Miss Chloe is quite the stylish and sweetest little lady.

Mini Sessions 05

I love love love this photo!

Mini Sessions 06

How cute is this little man?!

Mini Sessions 07

Mini Sessions 08

Hope is a doll.

Mini Sessions 09

That smile makes my heart melt!

Mini Sessions 10

These two gals need to head into modeling. Oh my goodness...

Mini Sessions 11

Mini Sessions 12

Mini Sessions 13



Anonymous said...

Shefali! These are just amazing. I love them! Can't wait to show everyone! You are such a blessing in my life and I just cannot wait until this little one is here and you get to be a blessing in THEIR life! =) Love you so much friend. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

Shefali Lindsey said...

Steph, I have said a hundred times, but Jer and YOU are AMAZING!!! xoxo

JoAnna said...

Oh my goodness! I love the pictures! They are all great - but I'm especially pleased with my son's pictures. I wish Louis would have smiled, but it was a little too cold and he was a little too young. I'm sure next time he'll be grinning a lot. Thank you once again for doing this. I'm glad to help such a great couple realize their dream.

Shefali Lindsey said...

JoAnna, I am so happy you love them! Louis is a doll, and I cannot wait to photograph him again SOON when the weather is warm! :) It was wonderful to meet Louis and you.

wedding dresses said...

they are so cute,thanks for sharing

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