
new blogsite!

Hello everyone!!! You might be wondering why I have been MIA. Please click here, and you will know why! I have a new blogsite, so please update to the new web address and be sure to leave a little love in the comments section on the NEW BLOGSITE!!! Thank you.



wedding dresses said...


Unknown said...

Hi! I don't know you, but I just stumbled onto your blog through another friend's blog. I always look to see what blogs people follow. I noticed yours because she followed two of them! One you call "Old-Blog" and then this one. Now I get on here and it appears you have another new one?

So I just thought I'd mention something that might help you out. You can actually export your blog, and then import it into your new one. For example, if you got your old blog before this one, exported it, and then imported it into here, it would move over all your postings and even their comments, and it would appear to have all happend on this site!

Maybe you knew that already, but I thought maybe not so I figured I'd just see if I could be helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm not sure if I'd be notified of a reply on here (I think so), but if not track me down on google or my website/blog. My email is rileyadamvoth@gmail.com. Just thought I'd help out. Keep bloggin!

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