
wedding: jared+raquel

To become a wedding photographer is not an easy accomplishment. It might take an entire lifetime to become someone of success. Getting your foot in the door is probably one of the hardest things though. There are a million wedding photographers in this country not to mention times that by ten...million and that is how many exist in the world. At least that is my personal guess. I am constantly inspired by wedding photographers who go out of their way to help someone new become a better wedding photographer. Those same people leave me speechless with their ability to teach and challenge others. Erica is one of these people and wedding photographers. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would have the honor of second shooting for one of the photographers who shot my wedding! Life sure works in the most surprising ways.

Jared and Raquel's wedding was the most laid-back wedding I have ever attended and shot! To say these two are perfect for one another is like saying I love cake. They just fit together! Perfectly. And, their wedding day was filled with love, happiness and much joy. The best part was getting to be as creative as possible and telling their story through my photographs...

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I love all the fall colors!

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I thought when we first met Raquel that she looked breathtaking, already had her make up on and was ready to go. Girlfriend did not have any make-up on. I think I remember asking her where I can get some of her gorgeous genes from! Needless to say, Raquel is one VERY gorgeous gal!

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These two make a stunning couple! Seriously. Stunning.

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One good looking bridal party!

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One of my favorites!

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And another favorite. There is something about when a bride and groom are holding hands during their ceremony that gets to me. I love weddings!

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Two of my favorite things. Together.

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I love Raquel's face as the best man talks about Jared. So stinking cute!

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First dance.

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I totally thought it was going to be a traditional feed-the-cake moment. I thought wrong when Raquel smashed some cake into Jared's face. Definitely had everyone laughing and stunned!

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Tearing up the dance floor with some awesome moves.

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And, here are some snapshots of Erica doing what she does best!

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Erica, thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful opportunity! You are a phenomenal photographer, friend and mentor. Thank you!


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