
family: jeff+kim+kinsley+trace+kerrigan

Well, it is finally here. Winter. Ok, not officially, but it sure feels like it in Kansas City! Especially yesterday. Especially when I woke up yesterday morning to find that it felt like 28 degrees and I had a session with a family who had three kids under the age of 3 years old. Um, talk about some awesome Midwest weather luck. One day it is 80, and I am in shorts and the next day, it is 35 degrees, and I am decked out in my hat, gloves, ski jacket and boots. Have I mentioned how much I love the Midwest weather? Although I was not blessed with the warmest of weather, I was incredibly blessed with a family of five who were some AMAZING troopers. I am talking about two parents who have twins who are 7 months old and a little girl who is 3 years old. I will say it again because it needs to be repeated, they were and are troopers!

Not a word of complaint, not even from their three year old daughter. In my world, this represents a VERY put together family. Because deep down inside, I wanted to complain how cold it was, but never was anything uttered. Only smiles, laughter and much much joy! I am constantly inspired by my clients because all I see are stellar parents. Like Jeff and Kim. And, with those stellar parents come some incredibly well-behaved and happy children like Kinsley, Trace and Kerrigan. Aside from the freezing cold that Mother Nature blessed us with that morning (must have a word with her soon), I was in awe of how much love this family shares with one another. And, I was moved.

Jeff and Kim, I hope you enjoy the sneak peaks. In not one of these can you tell how cold it was that morning! So, I hope it was worth the frigid temperatures because I worked some magic and got amazing shots of your family! And, just to let you know, your kids...they are absolutely precious. And sweet.

Hello gorgeous family...

Holton 01

Precious and sweet kids.

Holton 02

Isn't Kinsley beautiful?

Holton 03

These two stole my heart. Every piece of it.

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Holton 05

Love the angle!

Holton 06

Kim, you are breathtakingly beautiful!

Holton 07

Jeff is just hands-down an awesome father!

Holton 08

Oh my delicious light! My favorites!

Holton 09

Stop it. You two are killing me with cuteness!

Holton 10


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