
family: jason+amy+jackson

It is the same with each and every one of them. And, they are all equipped with the same child-free spirit that must come when you turn two years old. They start to become independent or in other words, they are growing up. I always thought that happens when you are going from pre-teenager to teenager or from teenager to adult, but it actually seems to start at two. I am definitely learning a thing or two about kids especially toddlers who recently have become my speciality. Jackson is a perfect example of this whole being independent and becoming your own person.

I had the pleasure of photographing one very beautiful family who had a very active, sweet and independent two year old aka Jackson. And, something I have noticed about the parents of these sweet two year olds is how patient and laid-back you have to be. Jason and Amy are perfect examples. Their calm personalities work together into raising a very sweet, blond-hair, blue-eyed boy!

Jason and Amy, I hope you enjoy the sneak peaks! It was so wonderful getting to meet your family especially Jackson. And, Amy, moment to swoon over the fact that you work at Nestle! I'm pretty sure if I worked there, I would eat all their candy bars! I am kind of not kidding! Enjoy...

This family is so so beautiful!

Bruce 01

Jackson is just the CUTEST!

Bruce 02

Fun fact: that horse that Jackson is riding on in the right picture happens to be the same horse that Amy and her dad rode on and took a picture! Love family traditions.

Bruce 03

Love this.

Bruce 04

Bruce 05

Bruce 06

Love the colors!

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Bruce 08

I love me some fall and pretty colors!

Bruce 09

My ABSOLUTE favorite!!!

Bruce 10

Happy Monday!


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