This particular family is the reason Bryan comes with me to sessions. He absolutely fell for Lucy when he met her one year ago. I remember it still to this day. We had left their session and were riding back to my apartment. I glanced over at him only to find him with a look of adoration. I asked him what was up, and he told me how cute and funny he thought Lucy was. Well, this time, Paul, their new little addition to the family, stole Bryan's heart. I, however, am still smitten with Miss Lucy. As for Gabe and Jana, they have not changed one bit. They are still ever so sweet, very in love with one another, their two little munchkins and their life they have built together. When we look at them, we see nothing but inspiration for our years to come as a married couple. And, it fills our hearts with much joy and excitement.
I will end with words Bryan said to me as we left their session. They are just the most sweetest, cutest and happiest family I have met. Gabe and Jana, I hope you enjoy these. I know how excited you two were about these pictures, so I hope you love them as much as I do!
Meet Miss Lucy. She is cute as a button. And, I am completely in love with this little girl!
I love this family!!!
Here is Bryan's best bud, Paul! Such a sweetheart!
Oh my word! These colors are just gorgeous! I am kind of obsessed with Gabe and Jana's home. They have made it into a beautiful place! Makes us really want to buy an old home and make it uber fabulous!
Oh Paul, stop being so stinking cute!
Lucy just loves this wreath! For more than just the pretty colors and leaves.
Love this!
MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE picture of the day! Perfectly describes each of them!
Some favorites for their Christmas cards!
Come visit tomorrow for some more cute kids!
1 comment:
Lovely photos, girl! LOVE the one of the house, omg...such a cute home. And YAY! Saw you got to second shoot for a wedding. Exciting news, dear! :) Hope to talk to you soon!
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