
senior: krystal

She amazes me. I wish there was a more profound way of saying it, but she truly amazes me. She wakes up every morning at 5:15 AM, makes her way to band practice, goes to school, stays after school to help the theater group and works in the mix of all of that. And, I have absolutely no idea how she does it all. On top of that, she has big dreams. And some wonderful ambitions. One of them being a pediatric nurse. And possibly a photographer. Moment to swoon! I should mention she is drop-dead gorgeous. These pictures are just proof. I take one look at her and know her future is full of success. And, I for one, cannot wait to see see what great things she accomplishes. Because if you ask me, a seventeen year old who juggles all of this is someone I like to call SUPER FABULOUS!

Krystal is going to be a graduate of the Class of 2011, and I just am so excited for her. College gave me some of my best memories, some amazing friends and one heck of a husband. Most of all, it gave me the chance to discover myself. To find who I am. I cannot wait for Krystal to get to experience all of this. To meet new people, to make friends who will last a lifetime and to discover who you are as a person.

You are ridiculously beautiful, Krystal. And, no I am not just saying that to say that. I mean it! You probably thought you would stop hearing that after the session was over. Oh, you are so wrong! I hope you love the sneak peaks. Hands down, your session goes down as my ALL-TIME FAVORITE session I have ever done. It helps that you brought some serious fierceness! So, since this was my all-time favorite session, I broke my own rules and posted more than I usually would. Perk Number 392327987 to being your own boss, right?!

Introducing Gorgeous Krystal...

Two Photos 1 - Krystal

Favorite #1:

Senior 19

Two Photos 2 - Krystal

The nittiest and grittiest parts of town are my favorite. Especially when I have a gal like Krystal that makes it look AH-MAZING!

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Favorite #2:

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Two Photos 3 - Krystal

Krystal, you are GORGEOUS!

Two Photos 4 - Krystal

P.S. America's Next Top Model called. They want you! It's obvious why...you are beautiful! And, if they ask, tell them you already have a photographer!

Two Photos 7 - Krystal

Two Photos 6 - Krystal

Does anyone remember Project Runway's winner, Christian Siriano? He was known for the word "fierce." Um, yeah...Krystal just bought the word "fierce" to a whole new level! Favorite #3:

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AYKM?!?!?!?!? She belongs in Anthropologie's catalog! My ABSOLUTE favorite!

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I think I told Krystal that if her Chuck Taylors go missing, she should not be surprised who has them! Love them!

Two Photos 8 - Krystal

Representing Class of 2011...

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I will end with a picture of Krystal 100% being herself. Except I think I told her to give me her "fierce" look, and did she?!

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Krystal, I hope you are in LOVE with these as much as I am! You are going to do some great things, girl, and I cannot wait to see it all happen! Have an awesome rest of your senior year! And, here is an early congratulations for being a super star through high school!!!


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