
family: carlton+anne+landon

Oh how I LOVE challenges. I am kind of not kidding. I love how they test you in every way possible, and when you overcome them, you just feel accomplished. This is exactly how I felt after this particular family's session. You see, Anne emailed me in the beginning and mentioned how her handsome little boy, Landon, is two years old and VERY active. But, she was hoping to try and get some pictures of him and them as a family. I smiled, wrote her back and told her not to worry. Not one bit. I even mentioned how I have a magic charm ahem cough Bryan who somehow gets every two year old to become his best friend and helps me capture some amazing pictures. (Have I mentioned how much I love this guy?!) Well, the time came for their session, and Anne was not kidding. Sweet little Landon was one of the most active and quickest two year olds I have met. I'm talking, he could outrun some high schoolers on the track team fast! But, in came in my magic charm (Bryan) and leaves, and we got some amazing shots. Not to mention, I got to see Landon for who he truly was. Independent, sweet and just incredibly fun! In the end, I felt accomplished in getting some great shots.

Carlton and Anne, I hope you enjoy some of the shots I got. No, not every one is perfect, but I look at these and after getting to know the three of you, I have to say these represent your family just perfectly. Fun, happy and beautiful. And, to me, that is what photographs are all about. Capturing the realness and amazingness that is of all of you! Thank you so much for giving us the pleasure of capturing these moments!

Meet Landon. That sweet smile is the reason why I wanted to constantly pick him up and smother him with smooches!

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Just a gorgeous, gorgeous family!

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Anne mentioned how much she loves black and white photos. Hope you love this one, Anne. It is just one of my favorites!

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A few more beautiful and fun shots. Not picture perfect but real. Loving it!

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Such a sweetheart.

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Magic charm and leaves at work...

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I think the shot on the right is my favorite FAVORITE shot from their session! Their smiles just exemplify extreme happiness.

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Another favorite!!!

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Have a uber fab Thursday!


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