
family: richard+devy+cole

Oh his sweet, sweet face. And, his cute little expressions. They warmed me up on a very cold afternoon. I watched him laugh, play with his mum and dad and follow them around as they were the two people he trusted and looked up to the most. He never uttered a word of complaint since it was quite frigid that afternoon. To the point that I could not feel my fingers although I had gloves on. But, then I look at his parents, and they are just the kindest. I can see where he gets his personality from.

He has a sweetness about him that comes from his mum, Devy. She happens to always have a smile on her face, cold temperatures or not. And, she made us feel right at home. But, Cole also has this tough exterior, yet fun spirit about him that I think he gets from his dad, Richard. Richard was an absolute trooper in a short-sleeved shirt smiling and laughing as we took pictures. Not to mention, the smiles on his face as he chased Cole around to play were just priceless moments. The three put together are just a fun and sweet kind of family!

Richard and Devy, I would like to thank you for your good attitudes throughout our very cold session! I am smitten with the pictures and hope the three of you love them as well. Cole melted my heart in quite a few of them. I just love his expressions! Enjoy!

Huber 01

Oh my goodness. Is he not just the cutest?!

Huber 02

That orange pop against the green and grays is just so fun!

Huber 03

One of my absolute favorites!!!

Huber 04

Huber 05

Another favorite!!!

Huber 06

Huber 07

Huber 08

Oh his smile is just my favorite!!!

Huber 09

Gorgeous couple and very photogenic!

Huber 10


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