
2010: a year in review

How do I say this? You were a very crazy rollercoaster. But, if I had to describe you this year, I would say you were bittersweet. In times of wanting to say some not so nice words to you, you gave me moments like crying over an avacado in a grocery store or getting married to Bryan or the best afternoon full of dreams and confessions to make me realize you are not so bad. In times of wondering if you were ever going to give me a break, you gave me moments like a perfect Saturday to relinquish and enjoy and soaking up traditions wrapped around laughter and bliss to think otherwise. And, in times when I started to doubt who I was as a photographer, you gave me moments like this gorgeous fall wedding, this laid-back wedding, this gorgeous senior session and this ever so charming family session to remind me why I love being a photographer and an artist. And who I am as a person.

Like I said, you were bittersweet. And, at times that I hated you, you found a way back to my good side. You taught me quite a few lessons that I am very grateful for. And, as cheesy as it may sound, you helped me never take anything for granted. So, thank you for the memories and moments you gave me this year.

New Year Midnight Toast

I look forward to a very adventurous 2011. Something tells me 2011 is going to rock our world. In a good way. And, I for one, cannot wait to overcome more obstacles that come our way and to accomplish goals and dreams I have set out for in 2011.

Happy New Year!

*Side note: today is my parent's anniversary! Bryan and I want to wish them both a very happy 30th anniversary. Here is to the next 30 years! Love you, dad and mum!*



happy holidays from the lindseys!

I married Clark Griswold. It's plain and simple. I kind of knew this over the course of seven years of being with him. But, it REALLY became apparent when I married him. It started when we were shopping for Christmas decorations over Thanksgiving weekend. It grew to when he bought home a giant Christmas tree. And it became official last weekend on our way home from mass Saturday evening.

One of our many Christmas traditions has been to drive around and look at Christmas lights. It started on our first Christmas and has not stopped ever since. And, it happens to be one of our favorite traditions. Not much to my surprise, Bryan decided to show me all the awesome houses that were decorated with lights. One home in particular he saved for last. I figure it would be like every other house he thought was awesome. He proved me wrong.

Clark Griswold's home...Kansas style. Bryan decided to show me what our future home will look like. But, with MORE lights. Picture a cartoon character who's eyes just popped out of its head. That is what I looked liked. Love this guy!


So, I am officially on holiday break for the remainder of 2010 from photography to spend time with Bryan, our friends and our families. And to catch up on sleep and do things like making a gingerbread house and watching Elf ten times a week. I wish I were joking. And, because I am currently on a photography holiday break, this is what happens on our weekends when we sleep until ten and stay in our pajamas all day.

Somehow, the finished product did not turn out like it did in the picture. That or we got a little impatient with the icing and went overboard. Our oh so beautifully hand-crafted Gingerbread home complete with Santa's sleigh, Santa and his reindeers.


I'm not going to lie, everytime I see this in our entryway, I want to live in it. Who wouldn't?! It's a house made of sugar! Alright, I will be honest. I want to eat the whole darn thing. It is probably a good thing it is a gluten heart attack waiting to happen otherwise Bryan might find me covered in cookie crumbs and icing.


With the holidays right around the corner, Bryan and I want to wish all of our friends, families, co-workers and wonderful clients turned friends a happy and wonderful holiday filled with lots of naps, Christmas movies, love, safe travels, sugar cookies, lots of thanks, hot cocoa, peace, chocolate, good food and the best of the best company!



wedding: elliot+brandy

I tried for the life of me to wipe the silly smile off my face. But, I just could not. In reality, why would I? Because when you look at them, you just want to smile. And not just any kind of a smile, but the kind that makes your cheek muscles take a run for their money. Let me add that my cheek muscles, well, they hurt. And there is only two people to blame for that: Elliot and Brandy.

Donna gave me the distinct honor of being her second shooter for their October wedding, and I could not have found a better photographer to learn from and a better couple to help document. Because they took love and faith to a new level. A level that you see in movies. As in movie love. And, I was there to witness it all. As if it was not enough that Brandy made her mum the matron-of-honor or that the entire wedding party and parents of both sides prayed together after the ceremony, but these two had love seeping out of every pore of every person there to witness their marriage. And, that ladies and gentlemen is something that is so rare yet so beautiful. And awesome!

Thank you, Donna, for giving me such a wonderful opportunity.

These are way overdue in getting posted, but better late than never, right?! So without further ado, Elliot and Brandy...

I was obsessed with their wedding colors. Obsessed.

EB Wedding 01

That is one gorgeous looking bride and one handsome looking groom.

EB Wedding 02

A definite favorite!

EB Wedding 03

EB Wedding 04

Another favorite!

EB Wedding 05

EB Wedding 06

Donna in action...

EB Wedding 07

EB Wedding 08


family: pete+julie+maureen+joe+jack

I love your home. When can I move in? Can Bryan and I live in the guest house? I love your home. Look at the outdoor fireplace! Bryan, did you see the cute little loft the boys have? Seriously, Pete and Julie, when can we move in?

This is pretty much how the entire two hours we spent with this family went. And, Pete and Julie, with their hearts of gold, just kept smiling and laughing. Because, naturally, I was a five year old who just discovered her dream castle. Or maybe something less dramatic.

Their home was not the only thing I fell in love with. Their three munchkins, Maureen, Joe and Jack stole every piece of our hearts. Maureen and I could be best friends. She loves art, she likes her pink and loves music. This girl is AWESOME! Joe is pretty much a stud with his tongue-sticking-rock-n-roll awesomeness to the fact that he can play the guitar with his dad. And, Jack, well Jack is the baby of the family and the same boy who I want to hug and smother with love! Because people, this kid is CUTE.

Pete and Julie, thank you. Thank you for letting me ramble on about how much I love your family and your home. Thank you for letting me photograph your fun-loving clan. And most of all, thank you for being yourselves. The photos scream each of you! To their very core.

Julie requested some pictures of just Jack before the kids got back from their craft class, so I got some great shots of him and Julie. This particular one is my favorite! Do you see the stone fireplace? Be still my heart. And, cute Jack makes my heart race on overdrive.

Brown 01

Brown 02

Brown 03

Brown 04

Brown 05

Beautiful Maureen...

Brown 06

Brown 07

Gorgeous family!

Brown 08

One of my favorites!!! This is 100% Jack!

Brown 09

Such a fun couple!!!

Brown 10



santa's little elves

To say these L's otherwise formally known as the Lindseys' LOOOOVVVVEEEE Christmas is a complete understatement. I think if Santa himself called and asked Bryan and I to join him and the elves at the North Pole, we would be all in, and it would take us all but one second to say yes. Without thinking twice. Because in all honesty, who would turn down snow, sparkles, sugar cookies and cocoa? And being Santa's elves!

So, it comes as no surprise that we devoted an entire night of doing nothing but decorating our home for Christmas. Complete with a classic Christmas movie (none other than the BEST movie ever-National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation), Christmas pajamas, hot cocoa, baking and more than enough Christmas decorations. Decorations like a 7.5 FEET tall tree. If you know Bryan, he goes for the best of the best especially on Christmas decorations. He actually told me he wanted a bigger tree but could not find one. (Insert major sigh of relief.) He was determined to make it fit in our living room, and to my surprise, he did! This guy amazes me. Needless to say, our first Christmas of decorating was filled with surprises, lots and lots of ornaments, a lot of laughing and yummy goodness. And, from direct orders of Buddy the Elf...snuggling. We definitely belong in the North Pole. For sure.

Enjoy some snapshots.

Love me some details...

Decorating 01

B and I rock-paper-scissored on who was going to be in charge of putting the star on our tree...I think it is obvious who won. Internet, between you and me, I let him win. I think it meant more to him than me.

Decorating 02

Because it wouldn't be right if we didn't document a photograph of our first Christmas together decorating. Our first MARRIED Christmas together decorating that is. Please don't pay attention to the fact that my hair looks like a hot mess. It was midnight when we were done decorating.

Decorating 03



family: the nolte family

They kept us entertained the ENTIRE time. It was not hard either. From when Mama Nolte walked up and hugged me with her excitement to a certain cutie holding on to her purse, doll and stuffed animal for the dear life of her to the boys being boys posing for me. They had some of the best personalities, and the bond they all have with one another is so cool. I could go on and on in saying good things about this family! Because they kind of made us fall in love with them. Each one of them.

To all of the Nolte family members, all of you are AWESOME! And, insanely beautiful! I think when I picked how many I wanted to post, it was 50. FIFTY! Obviously I narrowed it down, but that just shows how much I love your photos! Hope all of you love them as well!

To start things off, a gorgeous picture of the beautiful Nolte family.

Nolte 01

Are they not the cutest little munchkins?!

Nolte 02

Nolte 03

Can they be any more beautiful?! Geez!

Nolte 04

Nolte 05

She is so stinking cute. And quite a ham for the camera.

Nolte 06

Just a perfect representation of them. Fun, not a care in the world and just happy. Happy being them.

Nolte 07

Nolte 08

One of my favorites...

Nolte 09

Sara, you are beautiful!

Nolte 10

Mama and her girls!

Nolte 11

These two are HILARIOUS! And, ridiculously photogenic!

Nolte 12

Still in love and going strong.

Nolte 13

Looking forward to Friday and the weekend!!!



senior: krista

I think of her as family. Because in some long twisted story kind of a way, she is family. It just so happens that her big sister and brother-in-law, Kelsey and Jared, happen to be Bryan and I's close friends and Jared is Bryan's cousin. Between the five of us laughing, joking and making complete fools of ourselves in public, I ended up getting some stellar shots of Krista!

How do I say this about Krista? She is unbelievable beautiful. And incredibly talented. Especially in the althetics area. Figures why she would want to go into a field that she rocks in for college. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her! I can totally picture her being a sports trainer for the Cardinals and working with Pujols. Just saying, Krista.

Krista, you are an amazing gal, and I am so glad to call you family! Maybe not by those amazing Drewel genes Kelse and you have, but b/c Bryan and I kind of adore you. A lot. Just a little warning: I had a hard time picking my favorites, and they were not MY senior pictures. So...good luck! I hope you love some of my favorites.

Beautiful Krista...

Krista 01

Krista 02

Krista 03

Call me color crazy, but I do love this picture for that reason.

Krista 04

If I could I would have shot the entire session on this wall. I am in love. And this picture below, it is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE from her session.

Krista 05

Krista 06

Krista 07

I love that my senior gals can bring the "fierce" look. Krista could do it on cue. It amazed me. Love the angle of this picture!

Krista 08

She belongs in a catalog. Seriously. Another favorite.

Krista 09

Krista 10

Happy Wednesday!!!
