
family: the nolte family

They kept us entertained the ENTIRE time. It was not hard either. From when Mama Nolte walked up and hugged me with her excitement to a certain cutie holding on to her purse, doll and stuffed animal for the dear life of her to the boys being boys posing for me. They had some of the best personalities, and the bond they all have with one another is so cool. I could go on and on in saying good things about this family! Because they kind of made us fall in love with them. Each one of them.

To all of the Nolte family members, all of you are AWESOME! And, insanely beautiful! I think when I picked how many I wanted to post, it was 50. FIFTY! Obviously I narrowed it down, but that just shows how much I love your photos! Hope all of you love them as well!

To start things off, a gorgeous picture of the beautiful Nolte family.

Nolte 01

Are they not the cutest little munchkins?!

Nolte 02

Nolte 03

Can they be any more beautiful?! Geez!

Nolte 04

Nolte 05

She is so stinking cute. And quite a ham for the camera.

Nolte 06

Just a perfect representation of them. Fun, not a care in the world and just happy. Happy being them.

Nolte 07

Nolte 08

One of my favorites...

Nolte 09

Sara, you are beautiful!

Nolte 10

Mama and her girls!

Nolte 11

These two are HILARIOUS! And, ridiculously photogenic!

Nolte 12

Still in love and going strong.

Nolte 13

Looking forward to Friday and the weekend!!!



Sara said...

LOVE THEM!!! Thank you SOOOO much! I can't wait until the fam sees them, they are simply wonderful! Great work!!!! :-) xoxo

Unknown said...

Shefy these are great! You captured the spirit of the Nolte family perfectly!!! Once again, amazing!

Michelle Lunn Photography said...

LOVE these Shef!!! They are so good! And Sara looks gorgeous as usual!

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