
all things pink and green: savannah's 1st birthday party

January 14, 2010 was quite a day. You were welcomed into this world with more people than you can count on both hands. I remember us running home to see you three days later. When you were sleeping in my arms, all Bryan and I could do was stare at you. Because in all reality, we didn't think we could love you more than that moment.

But, we were wrong. A year later, you have grown into a beautiful, funny and adventurous baby girl! Don't even get me started about how much I love the way you walk now. Because it makes me fall in love with you even more! Or the fact that everytime we have to say good bye to you, we wished we lived next door instead of 4 hours away! I guess what I am trying to say is that although you are Bryan's niece by blood, I am so ridiculously in love with you, Savannah! And so blessed to have such a gorgeous niece! Love you, baby girl! And, hope your first birthday was one to be remembered. No way was I going to stand back and watch someone else get in on the action to take pictures...

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Her own individual cake, in which, later you will see what happens with it.

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She LOVES her silly Uncle Bryan. A lot. And, she has him wrapped around her little finger.

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The shot on the left is how happy she was pre-birthday cake. The shot on the right was how she felt when she tried a bite of her cake. This is obviously going to change if she is going to be my niece!

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Obviously did not want anything to do with the cake! Ha!

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In true fashion, Bryan had to give Savannah something Elmo. For those of you who don't know, Bryan has been known for his Elmo voice. It has actually come out during a few sessions in desperate times of need!

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