
wedding: matt+cate

You’re getting married! Her sisters could not help but exclaim that to Cate every few minutes. Just incase she forgot. And, with each time they said it with more and more excitement, Cate just smiled. Her simply, sweet smile. The time came to put on her dress in a room surrounded by women who adored Cate. As her sisters and mum slipped on the dress, she was still wearing that simply, sweet smile. And, as she walked down the isle by her father who has loved her for 20 something years towards the man who will love her for eternity, not a tear dropped from her face. Instead, her face was graced with that simply, sweet smile. And, right there in front of her, her husband-to-be was wearing that same smile.

That same simply, sweet smile never left either of their faces. It was there when he told her she was beautiful. It was there when he watched her dance with her father. It was there when he shared a few tears with his sisters. It was there when they jumped in the air, ran in the fields and kissed on gravel roads. It was there when they fed one another cake. It was there when they showed their best dance moves. And, it was there when they both realized they were husband and wife, best friends for life and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. The entire day was surrounded by those simply, sweet smiles.

Matt and Cate, congratulations!!! We hope you guys are soaking up newlywed life, calling each other Mr. and Mrs. J and having fun honeymoonin’ aka relaxing! Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness, love and in true Matt and Cate fashion...fun! With much love, B and Shefy.

Nothing like nature and textures to make beautiful bridal details fabulous!

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While I taking shots of Cate, Bryan grabbed some amazing shots of the guys...

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How cute are the ring bearer and flower girl?! Seriously!

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Matt getting all studded up for his beautiful bride...

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Cate's sister, Martha, who happens to be one of my best gals is one talented hair and make-up stylist. Marta working her make-up skills!

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That picture on the right, Favorite #1.

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Cate is so blessed to be surround by three sisters and now two more sister-in-laws.

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I always get choked up as the dad walks his little girl down the isle. Just the sweetest moments.

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Their first kiss, yeah, it goes down as my ALL time favorite first kiss ever! This ladies and gentlemen is VERY Matt and Cate. Photo on the right, Favorite #2.

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Introducing...Mr. and Mrs. Johnston!

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Um, one word: GORGEOUS!!!

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I about died when I saw that Matt gave all his groomsmen and the ring bearer Chucks. Love. It.

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Just some good ol' fun!

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Seriously, can you guys get ANY MORE GOOD LOOKING?!?!

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So sweet.

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Favorite #3 and it happens to be by yours truly's sweet hubby!

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Bring on the FIERCE!!! Rawr.

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An adorable request by the bride! Favorite #4

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I love how free and in love they are! Favorite #5

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There is something about the gravel roads, being in the country and a white dress...

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There are no words. Not even one other than this is Favorite #6. Simply beautiful.

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Cheers to Matt and Cate!

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First dance...

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Father/Daughter and Mother/Son dances...

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Ending with Favorite #7. This picture is just one that makes me smile so incredibly big that it hurts my cheeks!!! Another one by the B man.

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A MAJOR shout out to my oh so wonderful hubby who was my right arm throughout the day. Without him, his amazing creative eye and his ability to be there for anything I needed, I would not have had such a successful day of wedding photography. Thank you so much, my love!


1 comment:

Laura said...

Shefy, you had so many amazing photos of Matt & Cate's wedding that I can't even begin to comment on each one that I loved! It made it especially fun to look through them knowing that it's Martha's sister : ) GREAT JOB AS ALWAYS, and congrats to the Leahy's! - Laura A.

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