
family: chris+kimberly+mason+carter

Sometimes life gets a bit crazy. And, time just seems to fly by. In the middle of all of it, you wish you could slow time down. Maybe request a little something to Father Time himself. 6 months have passed, and I look at Mason and Carter who are growing up a little too quick, if I may say so. And, then I get a small glimpse of how Chris and Kimberly feel. I am guessing they too wish they could write a small request to Father Time. To slow time down and let their boys be two and four. Forever.

So, what do you do when time seems to fly by? You freeze sweet little moments. Through a camera. Sweet moments where smiles snuck in while surrounding each other in bubbles. And, where running in the grass in swimsuits and flip flops made them feel free. Not to forget the tickling and laughing that happened until their stomachs hurt. And, through the Cygan's family patience, smiles and the bubbles, nothing is more worth it than freezing moments like these...

Cygan 01

Favorite #1.

Cygan 02

Bubble time.

Cygan 03

Favorite #2.

Cygan 04

And, favorite #3.

Cygan 05

Cygan 06

Cygan 07

This little guy could be happy with his swimsuit and bubbles. Seriously!

Cygan 08

Favorite #4.

Cygan 09

Ending with this one. It says summer all over. And, I love it!

Cygan 10


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