
family: ethan+dana+finley

I knew it from the first email I got from ever so sweet and fun, Dana, I would love them. But, then the email chain continued. And, somewhere in the middle of it all, I met Dana’s hubby, Ethan, who I just adore. Not because he is probably one of two husbands I have ever spoken to before a session who was so excited about taking pictures or that he loves photography, but because he is so in love. And, it was apparent the way he talked about them. He respects Dana, he helps her in every way he can and he truly defines the word husband. And, she is his counterpart in every which way possible defining the word wife. Ever so fabulously. But, the best part is watching how much they truly love their baby boy, Finley.

I heard his name here and there in the emails, but then one day Dana and Ethan sent me a few pictures. These said pictures had me melting at my desk and showing him off to anyone and everyone who came in my path as if he was my little boy. So somewhere in between the emails, the picture sharing and our session, I not only met one of the cutest baby boys, but I was blessed to form two new friendships, three if you count Finley! Although, we were best buds before we even met. At least I like to think so!

I already miss his smiles. And, his adorable, adorable baby face!

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An adorable baby belongs to an adorable set of parents who love their adorable baby. A lot!

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There is a baby on the loose!

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Baby feet and hands are just too cute to describe sometimes!

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Sweet baby boy, you have me wrapped around your finger!

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I love baby expressions. They are so fun!

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Dig. This.

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Fun, fun, fun...

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I adore this picture for a lot of reasons!

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Sincox family, thank you for being so...fun and free-spirited!

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