
kids: baby blake (6 months)

I'm not quite sure when it happened. But, somewhere between 5 and 6 months, this little man grew. Grew in every way possible. He is taller. He is on the brinks of becoming mobile. As in the army crawl is in full effect and we got to see in person a few sneaks of actual crawls. He speaks baby talk. And, sometimes has intense conversations with Uncle B. He is very alert and is aware of what is going on with everyone. He entertains himself so easily and will laugh at the drop of a hat on the most random happenings. The kind of laughter that makes your heart melt. He looks just like his daddy. He loves to play. He has baby teeth. And, during the time I spent with him, I turned to Kari and made mention that I wish he would stop growing. Because Internet, I could watch him all day with his sweet smiles, his adorable laughs and his makes-me-want-to-smooch-him-all-over cheeks.

Little man and his ever so sweet smile that turns me in a puddle of goopy love!

Blake 01

He was digging the texture of the grass!

Blake 02

Blake 03

Love this...he looks like he is sailing in an ocean of grass.

Blake 04

Blake 05

Love love love love this little guy so much!

Blake 06

Blake 07

He was digging Bryan's hat and looked like quite the stud!

Blake 08


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