
oh happy friday no. 070811

It's Friday. And, it is sunny and hot. But, not humid, Midwest, your-clothes-stick-to-you kind of hot. Just another pretty, summer day. And, what am I doing you might ask. Sitting on my couch resting. And praying that this new found nausea and headache disappears quickly. Because I have a sweet little weekend planned full of photographing, shopping with some of my best gals, baby playing with my favorite little guy, board gaming, wining & dining, date dayin' with my main squeeze, volunteering and reading a new book, Gluten Free Girl. Go figure the first free Friday I have where we are not traveling out of town, and I wind up feeling sick. However, I am a firm believer that fun, bright pictures that inspire me will kick these not so nice enemies of mine, nausea and headache, to the curb. Enjoy a little sunny inspiration from my computer to yours!

Happy Weekending!

oh happy friday 070811

Office Swoon I Ice-cream Goodness I Afternoon Tea I 1960s Fashion


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