
newborn: baby jackson

I walked around the corner into their living room where I saw him. Him who had ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes. Him who was swaddled up and made me stop in my tracks. Because at that moment, I fell in love. So in love, it took 20 minutes of holding Jackson time and cooing and gooing at him with Bryan to finally give him back to Jordan and Annie and start taking my camera out. Maybe it is because he is my cousin. Or maybe it is the fact that he was the most talkative newborn I have ever met. Or that his baby feet made me want to squeeze and smooch his cute little self. But, I fell head-over-heels in love with Baby Jackson. Head-over-heels in love, Internet.

Without further ado...

Baby Jackson's ADORABLE jungle-themed room.

Jackson 01


Jackson 02

Look at that cute, cute little face!

Jackson 03

My ABSOLUTE favorite! Inspired by his daddy. Check out those cute "Rock n' Roll" socks.

Jackson 04

Jordan and Annie made mention of how much he loves cozy places. We never heard a peep out of him when he was in the guitar case of all places.

Jackson 05

So sweet...

Jackson 06


Jackson 07

Be still my heart. My #1 weakness.

Jackson 08

Aren't they just the CUTEST family?!

Jackson 09

Jackson, we love you!

Jackson 10


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