And, I promise after a few looks of them, you will love them as well. But, don't be surprised if you fall completely in love with a VERY cute blonde hair, blue-eyed little boy. If that doesn't do it for you, then take another look at his smile b/c it throws me into a puddle of love goop every time.
Enjoy a little sneak peek of a very beautiful family.
Just gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.
Evan's smile...there are no words...
Tell me you are not as obsessed as I am with that adorable face!
He was having the time of his life!
While I was going through these photos, I asked Bryan what he was doing behind me to make Evan smile so big. Of course, neither one of us remember, but whatever it was, it worked! Reason number 30498230482309 why I can't function without my better half. That and he brings his magic charm for the little people.
One of many of my favorites!
And another...
I love love LOVE these next few!
Ending with Favorite #1!
What a cutie, Shefie! Great photos!
Thank you!!! He actually reminded me of your little man! :)
what a cutie!! Love that b&w snuggle one!
:) I was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to say it.
We (showed them to Dana, too) like the outfits everyone wore for the shoot. Looks like they followed your instructions, too! :)
(Validate Word: Finver)
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