He deserves it. Praises that is. He truly is one in a million. He never complains. Ever. He works hard. Too hard if you ask me. He grocery shops. And, he never forgets to light candles for those ordinary Tuesday night dinners. He makes me laugh with his oh so witty jokes. He wipes away my tears. He encourages me to dream bigger than I can imagine. He holds my hand in public. All the time. He starts each morning with a kiss. He always knows what my heart is saying. Sometimes before I do. He nods his head "yes" to my crazy ideas and supports them. He says
I love you. All the time. He makes me want three little boys. Just like him. He always knows what to say to put my heart at ease. He speaks with kindness. And he loves with his whole heart. He wakes up way too early on a Saturday to dance for beautiful little people. He never lets me lose sight of my goals. He is incredibly laid-back. Maybe that is why we work so well together? He has the spirit of a teenager. Young, always ready for our next adventure and in love with life! He reminds me to always pray in times of fear, anger or frustration. And ask for strength. He comes up with creative ideas when I need them the most. He makes me want to be an even better person each day. He challenges me...in a good way. He makes each day better than the last. He truly is my better half. And my home. Because without him, I would not be half as successful, happy and able to make dreams come true!
B, I love you. This one is for you, my love. Thank you for being so amazing! You totally deserve one million thank yous,
I love yous, kisses, hugs...and the list goes on.

(Just a beautiful little reminder of my ever so sweet husband. I found this darling little photo on
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