
family: jeff+kim+kinsley+trace+kerrigan

Well, it is finally here. Winter. Ok, not officially, but it sure feels like it in Kansas City! Especially yesterday. Especially when I woke up yesterday morning to find that it felt like 28 degrees and I had a session with a family who had three kids under the age of 3 years old. Um, talk about some awesome Midwest weather luck. One day it is 80, and I am in shorts and the next day, it is 35 degrees, and I am decked out in my hat, gloves, ski jacket and boots. Have I mentioned how much I love the Midwest weather? Although I was not blessed with the warmest of weather, I was incredibly blessed with a family of five who were some AMAZING troopers. I am talking about two parents who have twins who are 7 months old and a little girl who is 3 years old. I will say it again because it needs to be repeated, they were and are troopers!

Not a word of complaint, not even from their three year old daughter. In my world, this represents a VERY put together family. Because deep down inside, I wanted to complain how cold it was, but never was anything uttered. Only smiles, laughter and much much joy! I am constantly inspired by my clients because all I see are stellar parents. Like Jeff and Kim. And, with those stellar parents come some incredibly well-behaved and happy children like Kinsley, Trace and Kerrigan. Aside from the freezing cold that Mother Nature blessed us with that morning (must have a word with her soon), I was in awe of how much love this family shares with one another. And, I was moved.

Jeff and Kim, I hope you enjoy the sneak peaks. In not one of these can you tell how cold it was that morning! So, I hope it was worth the frigid temperatures because I worked some magic and got amazing shots of your family! And, just to let you know, your kids...they are absolutely precious. And sweet.

Hello gorgeous family...

Holton 01

Precious and sweet kids.

Holton 02

Isn't Kinsley beautiful?

Holton 03

These two stole my heart. Every piece of it.

Holton 04

Holton 05

Love the angle!

Holton 06

Kim, you are breathtakingly beautiful!

Holton 07

Jeff is just hands-down an awesome father!

Holton 08

Oh my delicious light! My favorites!

Holton 09

Stop it. You two are killing me with cuteness!

Holton 10



wedding: jared+raquel

To become a wedding photographer is not an easy accomplishment. It might take an entire lifetime to become someone of success. Getting your foot in the door is probably one of the hardest things though. There are a million wedding photographers in this country not to mention times that by ten...million and that is how many exist in the world. At least that is my personal guess. I am constantly inspired by wedding photographers who go out of their way to help someone new become a better wedding photographer. Those same people leave me speechless with their ability to teach and challenge others. Erica is one of these people and wedding photographers. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would have the honor of second shooting for one of the photographers who shot my wedding! Life sure works in the most surprising ways.

Jared and Raquel's wedding was the most laid-back wedding I have ever attended and shot! To say these two are perfect for one another is like saying I love cake. They just fit together! Perfectly. And, their wedding day was filled with love, happiness and much joy. The best part was getting to be as creative as possible and telling their story through my photographs...

JR Wedding 01

JR Wedding 02

I love all the fall colors!

JR Wedding 03

I thought when we first met Raquel that she looked breathtaking, already had her make up on and was ready to go. Girlfriend did not have any make-up on. I think I remember asking her where I can get some of her gorgeous genes from! Needless to say, Raquel is one VERY gorgeous gal!

JR Wedding 04

These two make a stunning couple! Seriously. Stunning.

JR Wedding 05

One good looking bridal party!

JR Wedding 06

One of my favorites!

JR Wedding 07

And another favorite. There is something about when a bride and groom are holding hands during their ceremony that gets to me. I love weddings!

JR Wedding 08

Two of my favorite things. Together.

JR Wedding 09

I love Raquel's face as the best man talks about Jared. So stinking cute!

JR Wedding 10

First dance.

JR Wedding 11

I totally thought it was going to be a traditional feed-the-cake moment. I thought wrong when Raquel smashed some cake into Jared's face. Definitely had everyone laughing and stunned!

JR Wedding 12

Tearing up the dance floor with some awesome moves.

JR Wedding 13

And, here are some snapshots of Erica doing what she does best!

JR Wedding 14

Erica, thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful opportunity! You are a phenomenal photographer, friend and mentor. Thank you!



family: brian+jayme+connor+audrey

A smile says it all. About a person, their personality and their happiness. I do not ever remember a time where Jayme was without a smile in high school. She always had one, and with her smile came a lot of laughter. And, I could tell, she was a happy gal, who was full of love and life and subsequently had a great amount of happiness. Seeing her after almost eight years, I saw that same smile. And heard that same laughter. Except she was fuller than ever. More full on love, life and that great amount of happiness I spoke of, well, she has three special people whom she shares that with who have made her cup overflowing with all of the above mentioned!

I feel incredibly blessed to be able to capture memories for people near and far. But, it is the biggest honor to capture memories for people I grew up with and shared a million memories with throughout the years. It was one thing being able to see Jayme after quite some time, but to get to see her so happy with her husband and two cuties was just something I cannot put into words! Other than I am thankful for becoming a photographer.

Brian and Jayme, I hope you love your sneak peaks. Your family is absolutely precious, and to say I was completely honored is an understatement of the week. I am smitten with your two cuties and wanted to take them home with me! Thank you so much!

One gorgeous family in front of a gorgeous fall backdrop. Why do trees not look like this in Kansas City?!

Hunt 01

Hunt 02

Don't say I didn't warn you. Cute kids...

Hunt 03

Hunt 04

Hunt 05

Love. This. Picture.

Hunt 06

Hunt 07

Moment to let my heart melt. Those tutus are killing me. With cuteness.

Hunt 08

My favorite!

Hunt 09

Hunt 10

Happy Wednesday!



happiness and gratitude

I had another post planned for today. But, then I read something that made me stop doing the million "to do" items on my list for a moment. It made me tear up, and I was instantly inspired, touched and motivated. And, that is when it happened. I felt an enormous amount of happiness and gratitude. For life.

Happiness and Gratitude

It is so easy to get caught up in life's distresses. To lose sight of who you are, what you are doing, your dreams and goals and just loving the life you are given. I am and have been guilty of this. I forget that life is sweet. And short. Yes, there are times of sadness, pain, anger and frustration. But, maybe that happens because you are given opportunities to strengthen the person you are and become an even better version of yourself. After all, what would life be like if everything were perfect? I will give you one guess; it rhymes with snoring. Boring. I truly feel like the past few weeks have tested every ounce of my strength. Then today happened, and I realized it is the simple things in life that make me feel content and blessed. I am healthy, I have the love of someone who is my whole world, I have family and friends who are healthy, whom I love and would lay my own life down for and I am doing something I love with my best friend by my side. I cannot ask for more. But, more than anything, today made me realize that although sadness, pain, anger and frustration will come and go as it pleases, I should never lose sight of those two very beautiful words: happiness and gratitude.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!



kids: quinn+holden

It is all about the emotions. And as a photographer, I have really started to pay attention to that one very powerful word: emotions. But, it is not only the emotions that are being captured through a pretty piece of glass. It is about the emotions you see in between. As I spent Sunday afternoon photographing two adorable boys who happen to be one another's best friend, I watched their mum, Kelly, smile. Smiled when they fought. Smiled when they held one another. Smiled when Holden gave me his most cheesiest smile. And smiled when I took her bribe of a "special treat" above and beyond. And a piece of my heart melted. Because I realized how much fun I have documenting a special part of people's lives. Whether it is during a family session, a wedding or kids playing and being themselves.

Quinn and Holden are brothers. Who happen to love like brothers. But, fight like brothers. Quinn plays the role of being a protector. No one and I mean no one will ever hurt Holden. And, this just shows what kind of a man Quinn is going to grow up to be. Holden is just sweet as candy. Or cupcakes. He loves, looks up to and want to be just like his big brother, Quinn. And, I should mention, he is absolutely hilarious! And, at the end of the session, I think they wanted to make Bryan their new best friend. Because he played catch with them. Or was the guy who threw leaves with them. At me.

Kelly, I hope your husband and you love some of the sneak peaks. You two are very blessed to have such energetic, animated and fun boys! They are going up to being two VERY stunning young men!

It took me all about a minute to get these two warmed up to the camera. As soon as I started talking sports to them, they were all about being Quinn and Holden!



One of two of my favorites...


Gotta love boys who love being stuck in trees.


Did not even pose them. So sweet.


I think this is when the bribe started to come in handy! Parents, do not be afraid to use a bribe for smiles like this!


My other favorite!!!



LOVE this one!


I sure do LOVE fall!

