
oh happy friday no. 062411

Sunny, blue skies that last until 9:00 at NIGHT and sipping on strawberry lemonade? Why yes, I would have to say summer has officially arrived! And, I welcome it with open arms! And, while I am celebrating all that summer has to offer with its relaxing poolside, bbqs, lake trips, watching sunsets and eating snowcones, I thought it would be fitting for some fun, summer inspiration that makes me smile!

Happy Summer Lovin' and Weekending!


Tasty Cream Cheese Cupcakes I Beautiful Bicylce I Kiss Illustration I Vintage Wedding Invitations



one year

One year ago, at this time, I was getting ready to say "I do" to you. For better or worse. For richer or poorer. In sickness and in health. Until death do us part. And, when I vowed to be your best friend and wife for eternity, I never realized how adventurous our first year would be together...

I never imagined loving you more today than the day I met you, but I do. I never thought you would love me for my over-the-top, Monica Gellar cleaning habits, but you do. I never thought living together would be this fun, but it so is. I never thought moments like eating mac n' cheese candle-light dinners, having our Sunday kick-off with Twister's ice-cream and sparkling grape juice, drinking Jamaican Rum drinks & jamming to Bob Marley in our living room and telling childhood stories in the middle of the night would be my favorite moments, but they are. I never thought happenings this year would test our strength and you would make me a stronger gal, but you did. I never realized how much you love me selflessly, unconditionally and passionately, but you truly do.

Anniversary 01

(One year ago on our wedding day...taken by our wedding photographer, Kelly Manno.)

I never thought you would be by my side photographing weddings, but you are. And, once again, thank you, my love. Thank you so very much. I never thought I would get those same butterflies from our first date when you smile at me, but I do. All. The. Time. And, I never realized how much I need you and how I cannot breathe without you because I cannot. I really cannot. And, I never thought you could still make me feel like that 19 year old gal who fell silly in love with you, but you still do. All. The. Time.

Anniversary 02

(One year later...celebrating in Cali!)

B, what can I say other than I am scream-on-the-rooftop-i-love-you-madly-passionately-crazy-in-love with you. You have done nothing but support my dreams and push me to dream even bigger.. And, I am pretty sure my dad and mum never let me forget as each day passes how I am one lucky gal to be married to you. I have spent the past eight years praying and thanking my lucky stars that I got blessed with you. As my husband, my partner-in-crime, my best friend, my business partner, my second shooter, my main squeeze, my peanut butter, my lobster, my rock, my better half, my world and my soulmate.

I have waited all year to finally say this to you...happy anniversary, my love!

I lub you. Cheers and here is to year two...

(P.S. Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads especially our dads!!! We love you guys!)



family: casey+rachel+mick

He is going through a...phase, and I thought I should warn you ahead of time, Rachel emailed me. I smiled and emailed her back asking her not to worry. Saturday morning rolled around, and Bryan and I packed up our camera gear, our A game faces and our best tricks to make one of our favorite little guys have some fun. I am not sure if it was the West Bottoms location, the beautiful Saturday sun or the fact that I kept saying the word adventure like it was the best thing ever, but Mick stunned us all. With his smiles, his laughter and his ever so loving personality.

And, if I am going to be honest, I will state it on the world wide Internet that this session just went into the top notch for my favorite family sessions. Great friends, one darling little boy and the easiest family session I have ever shot hands down!

Thank you Casey, Rachel and Mick for being your beautiful selves on that fine Saturday morning! And, Casey, I think I have to agree with you that the photography stars lined up in our favor to give us one amazing session.

Without further ado, the McGraw family...

McGraw 01

The baseball in Mick's hand was hit by a Cardinal's baseball player when they played at Kauffman Stadium. And, I guess I should mention what a HUGE Cardinal's fan Rachel is! Did I mention how much I LOVE this family?!

McGraw 02

Gosh, I love this kid!

McGraw 03

What a gorgeous family!!! Mick is just a perfect mix of Casey and Rachel!

McGraw 04

The light in this little hidden masterpiece was amazing!

McGraw 05

Casey was showing Mick how to sit on the pile of rocks, and Mick was doing such a cute job of being just like his dad! I'm not quite sure why I love this picture, but I do. And, check out their Chucks. Love love love...

McGraw 06

Mick, you are going to turn some girls into puddles of love when you get older. I can see it now...

McGraw 07

Either he thinks Bryan and I are really fun/funny or he was in one happy mood b/c this kid was ALL smiles!

McGraw 08

Another favorite!

McGraw 09

The following are some of my favorites as well, and I should make clear that they were NOT posed. This is Mick being Mick! And, I love this little munchkin for his fun personality!

McGraw 10

McGraw 11

McGraw 12

The favorites keep adding up. Another one that makes me smile really big.

McGraw 13

Fun story. Rachel bought Mick's favorite thing in the world: bubbles. However, the bubble manufacturing company decided to forget to put a stick in the bubble bottle (who does that?!). To divert Mick's attention quickly, Casey and Rachel suggested jumping in puddles of mud. Whatttt?! Imagine a two year old who hears this and probably thinks his parents have gone mad until he sees his mum jumping in the puddle. So, a perfect little moment was caught on camera of a two year old who in a matter of seconds had a lot of fun! And, major props to Casey and Rachel who didn't even blink twice when they suggested this!

McGraw 14

What do you get when you mix KC urban and a beautiful family? My favorite family photo.

McGraw 15



words i love: the wednesday sisters

It's about following dreams. it's about five women who were strangers to one another. And, somehow they became each other's confidant, support system and best friend. I went into reading The Wednesday Sisters not knowing that I would laugh outloud, I would cry and I would feel so inspired. It gave me a sense of what it was like for women to pursue their passions in the 60s. Most of all, this book is for the dreamer. Who dreams those oh so wonderful, big dreams. This is definitely a good read, and I promise it will not disappoint. Not one bit.


Happy Tuesday!



st. louis shot party!

My ever so fabulous wedding photographer, Kelly Manno, is hosting an ever so fabulous photography workshop. The BEST part are the THREE speakers she has lined up: Becker AND Bobbi+Mike. So, if you have not done so, please head over to her website and sign up for what I think is going to be an AH-MAZING workshop.


What: St. Louis Shot Party Hosted by Kelly Manno
When: Sunday, August 21st from 2:00-8:00 pm
Where: Ameristar Casino in St. Charles, MO
Cost: $259 (includes dinner!)
Website: www.stlouisshotparty.com

Head over here to register. I promise you won't regret it. Afterall, photographers sure do know how to have a GOOD ol' time!

St. Louis Shot Party



kids: savannah

She runs. Not just the I've had too much milk tipsy walk, but full blown running. She screams when she can't open the door or reach something she wants. And, it makes me giggle. She is a little dare devil. And, she loves flowers. Not because they smell good, but b/c she can play the game He loves me, he loves me not... She sports cute pink outfits but prefers dirt and her tootsies in the grass. She has the cutest smile. And, she can say hi, daddy and bye. And puppy. Her eyes light up when she sees food. And, she eats her veggies just like a good little girl. She loves her pink blanket and when she rubs her eyes when she gets sleepy, it melts my heart. She is one of the top reasons why I wished we lived at home. And, while I am on my three wishes, I wish for Father Time to slow down time a little so sweet baby girl can stop growing up so fast. She is the happiest, cutest, little girl, and I am so ridiculously in love with her. But, I am partial to her. After all, she is my niece.

So, without further ado, sweet baby girl, Savannah...

Savannah 01

I don't want her to grow up. Ever.

Savannah 02

How can you resist this beautiful baby girl?!

Savannah 03

Three things I love: baby hands, feet and textures.

Savannah 04

She is a cowgirl at heart.

Savannah 05

Beautiful. Just beautiful!

Savannah 06

Savannah 07

Sweet baby girl, I adore you.

Savannah 08



family: ethan+dana+finley

I knew it from the first email I got from ever so sweet and fun, Dana, I would love them. But, then the email chain continued. And, somewhere in the middle of it all, I met Dana’s hubby, Ethan, who I just adore. Not because he is probably one of two husbands I have ever spoken to before a session who was so excited about taking pictures or that he loves photography, but because he is so in love. And, it was apparent the way he talked about them. He respects Dana, he helps her in every way he can and he truly defines the word husband. And, she is his counterpart in every which way possible defining the word wife. Ever so fabulously. But, the best part is watching how much they truly love their baby boy, Finley.

I heard his name here and there in the emails, but then one day Dana and Ethan sent me a few pictures. These said pictures had me melting at my desk and showing him off to anyone and everyone who came in my path as if he was my little boy. So somewhere in between the emails, the picture sharing and our session, I not only met one of the cutest baby boys, but I was blessed to form two new friendships, three if you count Finley! Although, we were best buds before we even met. At least I like to think so!

I already miss his smiles. And, his adorable, adorable baby face!

Sincox 01

Sincox 02

An adorable baby belongs to an adorable set of parents who love their adorable baby. A lot!

Sincox 03

There is a baby on the loose!

Sincox 04

Baby feet and hands are just too cute to describe sometimes!

Sincox 05

Sweet baby boy, you have me wrapped around your finger!

Sincox 06

I love baby expressions. They are so fun!

Sincox 07

Sincox 08

Dig. This.

Sincox 09

Fun, fun, fun...

Sincox 10

I adore this picture for a lot of reasons!

Sincox 11

Sincox family, thank you for being so...fun and free-spirited!

Sincox 12



family: chris+kimberly+mason+carter

Sometimes life gets a bit crazy. And, time just seems to fly by. In the middle of all of it, you wish you could slow time down. Maybe request a little something to Father Time himself. 6 months have passed, and I look at Mason and Carter who are growing up a little too quick, if I may say so. And, then I get a small glimpse of how Chris and Kimberly feel. I am guessing they too wish they could write a small request to Father Time. To slow time down and let their boys be two and four. Forever.

So, what do you do when time seems to fly by? You freeze sweet little moments. Through a camera. Sweet moments where smiles snuck in while surrounding each other in bubbles. And, where running in the grass in swimsuits and flip flops made them feel free. Not to forget the tickling and laughing that happened until their stomachs hurt. And, through the Cygan's family patience, smiles and the bubbles, nothing is more worth it than freezing moments like these...

Cygan 01

Favorite #1.

Cygan 02

Bubble time.

Cygan 03

Favorite #2.

Cygan 04

And, favorite #3.

Cygan 05

Cygan 06

Cygan 07

This little guy could be happy with his swimsuit and bubbles. Seriously!

Cygan 08

Favorite #4.

Cygan 09

Ending with this one. It says summer all over. And, I love it!

Cygan 10
